Riley's puppies 5 weeks old

22nd of December 2020 Time for some portraits. I'm black collar. I'm big and strong. I'm blue and this is what I think of posing! Oh alright then. I'm the handsome brown. Brown I'm dark pink. Smallest and naughtiest! . Hello I'm green! I don't like posing either. I'm grey collar but what can I say -our collars all need a good wash! . You'll have to make do with one photo of me, orange. I'm not looking at that flash! Where did you want me to look? Ahead, oh okay then. I'm pink, like the rock star! I'm pretty purple. I'm red, the first born! They say I look like my dad. And then there's me, yellow. Boring portraits done, now let's have some fun! Polly the Papillon puppy is lots of fun. We're getting tired now. Then it was something called Christmas and the little humans came to see us again. And their BIG Malinois puppy. On the 26th of December we had our latest Facebook livestream. You can see how much fun Polly is!