Riley's puppies 4 weeks old

 We turned 4 weeks old on the 14th of December 2020

The humans were so busy they forgot to take photos that day!

On the 15th of December there were all sorts going on.

Mats on the floor, our box moved to the opposite end of the room.

We didn't like it to start with and whined. But mummy Riley was looking after us.

Don't you lot ever stop wanting milk?
Hm, this is all different.
Well the mats are nicer to walk on than the slippery floor.

Photo bombing Riley
We can't get up onto this couch. Yet. Mummy jumps up there when she wants a rest. That's why it's so dirty!


The wobble board is always good fun

Oi, where did you come from all of a sudden? Everyone else is busy!

I've been fishing.

Fight time!

Oh go on then, just a quick drink if you must!

Orange exploring. He's the shy one.
17th of December
What have you done to us??????
Whose bright idea was it to feed us outside? In DECEMBER? In the cold? In the wet and the mud??
What do you mean it's all part of growing up?
Just look how wet and muddy it is!
The humans said something like "This is why we wanted a spring litter".

 18th of December
A box! I want it! No I do! Give it to ME!
20th of December
More milk, more milk! (Never mind that we have 4 meals of puppy food every day too.)
Oi Vesper! Do YOU have any milk for me? asks red.
Millions of Malis
SURE you haven't got milk?

Oh well, we can still be friends.
Daddy, what are you doing up there??

We were famous livestream pups on Facebook again.
Even if all we seemed to want to do was corner mummy and have more milk. And drink water, and wee everywhere.
The tuggies weren't much fun until we decided for ourselves to have a go.



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